2025 Soul Care Conference:

Gender & Sexuality

- Featuring the Faculty and Friends of Brookes Bible College -



5:00       Dinner for students

6:00       Check In  

6:15       Welcome

6:25       Session 1: Dr. Robert Thurman   

7:10       Break

7:25       Session Two: Dr. Geoff Kirkland  

8:10       Dismissal 


8:00       Doors open | Check In

9:00       Welcome

9:15       General Session 3: Dr. Jon Denney

10:00     Break  

10:15     General Session 4: Geoff Kirkland

11:00      Break

11:20     General Session 5: Dr. Brian Rickett

12:05     Lunch

12:50     Welcome Back

1:00       General Session 6: Dr. Geoff Kirkland

1:45        Break

2:00       Workshop: Dr. Jon Denney

2:45       Break

3:00       ACBC Certification: Mike Wickens

3:30       Break

3:45       Q&A Panel

5:00       Dismissed

Confusion about gender and sexuality has been sown into the hearts of this generation. No part of our world is untouched by this confusion as it is impacting our communities, schools, families, and even churches. This confusion has spread from the preschools in our neighborhoods to the highest court in the land and its darkness has come to rest all across the globe. But God has not left us without hope. He has not left us without answers. In the midst of this darkness, God has spoken, and His Word shines with clarity! In confusing times, our confidence must be in the all-sufficient God, who has provided us with an all-sufficient Word!

We can be grateful for the shift that has taken place in our government's disposition towards these issues, but there is still much work to be done. The words of our president do not possess the power to change the hearts of men—God's Word alone possesses that power! This conference is designed to equip you with the Word of God, so that you may respond to the complex issues relating to gender and sexuality. 

"Him we proclaim, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ." (Colossians 1:28 LSB)


Why attend this conference? 

1. Understanding and Offering Gospel Hope: 

Many people today are grappling with issues relating to identity and sexuality. This conference will delve deep into how we can offer true, life-changing hope through the gospel of Jesus Christ. You will learn how to apply God's wisdom to the hearts and lives of those who are asking these crucial questions. 

2. Biblical Counseling: 

You will gain insights from seasoned biblical counselors and Bible scholars on how to provide compassionate, biblical counseling to individuals who are wrestling with sinful desires and confusion. This will specifically include practical help for parents of struggling children. The sessions are designed to enhance your ability to counsel with compassion, truth, and love—with the goal of helping others become more like Jesus. All of our speakers affirm the definition of biblical counseling provided by the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).

3. Community and Support: 

This event is not just about learning; it is about building up a community of counseling care in the church, both here in St. Louis and around the world. You will have the opportunity to connect with other believers, share experiences, and form a network of support that extends beyond this one event.

4. Worship: 

In addition to sessions of targeted equipping, there will be times of prayer and singing. Our goal is not just to equip, but to exalt Christ! 


Conference Highlights: 

- General session speakers are seasoned counselors, scholars, and pastors in their respective churches. 

- Sessions are tailored to address specific needs of the hour. 

- The Q&A at the end of the conference will allow you to ask our speakers specific questions. 

- You will be equipped with several print resources to take home. 

- Lunch will be provided on Saturday. 

Join us at South County Bible Church on March 21-22, 2025 as we address issues of gender and sexuality from God's all-sufficient Word.

If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please reach out to Jordan Mitchell at [email protected]. 

Date: March 21-22, 2025
Friday, March 21: 6:00pm to 9:30pm
Saturday, March 22: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Where: South County Bible Church
4111 Von Talge Road
St. Louis, MO 63128

  • Early Bird (Before January 1): $75
    Standard (January 1 March 7): $100
    Late Registration (After March 7): $125

  • For high school, college, and seminary students.

  • For Faculty and For-Credit Students of Brookes Bible College


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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